Friday, November 7, 2014


The Wells' favorite time of year is when all of the holidays coming rolling around, more importantly Halloween. Every year, we pass out candy at my Mom and Dad's house to all the little guys. My Dad decorates the outside of the house to either spook the kids ! This year was different since it was Haidyn's first Halloween. She had no idea what was going on necessarily, but she knew that Halloween was our holiday.

Halloween is also Nevada Day, so Haidyn had a day off of school and I had a well deserved day off of work. YAY! We rolled out out of bed around 7:30 - our late start and hung out with Waymon before he went off to work. Sassafras decided to come hang out with us too before we left for the night.

Haidyn was excited to go to her Grandparents' house as always. She got to hang out with Grandma as while we watched the parade in San Francisco Giants.  ( by the way GO GIANTS!!)  She also got to hang out with Grandpa while I carved the pumpkins. She had so much fun rolling around everywhere trying to explore their house.

 Haidyn also got to meet Bonnie for the first time. There weren't any pictures of them together because Bon's too cool for pictures.

We waited for Waymon to get off work to trick or treat. We decided this year that we were going to dress up as a family ( and we hope to do so every year). We went as Shirmp Nigiri & Kikoman Soy Sauce.  I made our costumes! I was excited about Haidyn's costume so much more than I should've been.

Haidyn didn't know what was going on during our trick or treating walk, but she did like hanging out with her Dad and Uncle Colbie. She loved all of the lights, music and decorations at everyone's house.

I can't wait for next year! 


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