Friday, September 14, 2018

Happy 1st Birthday Francis!

Happiest birthday to our little boy and baby of the family Frankie ! I can’t believe that my boy is a year old now, it seems like just yesterday he rescued us. It’s not a secret that Frankie is Waymon’s replacement in my life and he knows. Frankie is our rambunctious saint of a dog that everyone loves when they meet him. I’m not sure if Frankie has a mean bone in his body even when he does try to be mean. He’s a lover but he’s also a fighter. He’s the one who is now putting Sassafras and Haidyn in their place. (ABOUT TIME) Frankie has brought so much love and happiness back into our lives in the time in which we as a family needed it. I’m forever grateful for that .  Spoiling him with more love than he gives all of us on the daily today!

Happy Birthday to our Francis ! 
( AKA Frankie, Frank, Frankenstein, Frankie Doodle, Frankie Pankie , Frank the Tank, Franklin, Frankie-lynn,  Frank and Beans  and Francois ). 
We love you!



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