Tuesday, November 7, 2017

T25 | Alpha Results

I’ve been working up the courage to participate in any of Shaun T’s programs. He’s intimidating so you can’t blame me! He’s infamous for his workout programs that get you the best results in a short amount of time. He makes you WORK. Damn. I’ve done Shaun Week and after completing it months ago I knew I had to finish this program! It’s almost the end of the year so working out for only 25 minutes day would fit my schedule the best.  There isn’t a day where I’m not dying of exhaustion and T25 is only 25 minutes! 5 weeks of working out on this program and I’ve seen a difference. My weight isn’t changing drastically, but my body does feel different. I feel stronger and more accomplished because I’m working out so hard in such a short amount of time. I have quads galore!!! Tooting my own horn here!


 R. ARM         11

L. ARM         11

CHEST          33 ½     

WAIST           27 ½

HIPS               32

R. THIGH     17 ¾     

L. THIGH     18 ½

R. CALF       14

L. CALF       14



WEIGHT            117.8 LBS


WEIGHT            116.6


I’m ready to go into the next phase of this workout program. The only thing I didn't like about this program was taking my STATS every Saturday. I didn't think it was necessary to do that so I've opted to only measure after every round. I also didn’t stick to the meal plan for a couple days for this program, but I know that the next phase will be better. I haven’t been focused on my eating since the second half of this program I was off of Whole 30 and craved everything bad . :)  Can you blame me? Instead of punishing myself , I’m just making sure that I will do better the next round. Of course the next round happens to be through my favorite month! Can’t wait for my end of the year results! Stay tuned.


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