Friday, February 5, 2021

The Comeback Mama... I Hope

I haven't blogged in a little over two years. It's surreal to be sitting here writing this blog instead of writing the usual email to the school or sharing the laptop with Haidyn for school. A lot has changed in two years. Looking at my last blog post with pictures of my family without masks is crazy! 

Now, to give you an update on life lately. 

Our family has grown by one ! ( No, I'm not pregnant and please stop asking when another one is coming. We don't have plans of having any more children. ) My little bundle of joy is Andre Gregory Wells- our pitbull mix pup. This little guy keeps us all on our toes . I didn't know we needed another dog until we saved Dre from the Rez. We scooped him up from my in laws backyard and the rest is history. Dre is a BIG dog. At six months old he's bigger than Frankie . His paws, his body and his appetite all bigger than Frankie. He will eat everything if you let him. He is the naughtiest little shit you will ever meet, but man he is the sweetest dog . Him and I do just about everything together . We have our own little morning and nightly routine while everyone else can't be bothered to join us. 


Frankie if you were wondering is still the biggest Mama's boy you've ever seen but is trying to share me with everyone else for the most part. Dre and Frankie are attached at the hip for most of the day . Frankie finally has a buddy to play with during our lockdown at home. When we took Dre in , I didn't think that the boys would get along as well as they do but I'm glad that they do. They spend most of their days sleeping , rough housing and cornering Sassafras together. What are brothers for right ? 

Sassafras is still alive. She will be 10 this year and has asked for privacy on any social media platform. I'm only kidding. Sass is a hermit and can't believe that I continue to bring home siblings. My once baby kitty no longer gives two shits about me because I don't stop the boys from harassing her daily. The feelings are mutual for the most part because the only person she truly cares about is Waymon. 

The star of the family of course is Haidyn. Out of all my goofball kids, Haidyn is the biggest goofball. Our girl is now almost 7 years old and in the first grade. I can't believe that she is only going to be 7. She is wise beyond her years and the attitude is REAL.  She spends most of her days learning all the new dances on youtube just to show the family . There isn't a day she isn't waking up everyone at home with her singing or drumming. 

As for me, I'm now a WFH Mama , Haidyn's 1st grade teacher and an amateur baker of sourdough everything .  Out of all things I could have added to my resume I LOL at the fact that I'm Haidyn's teacher.  I am the worst teacher she has ever had . Haidyn on the other hand loves the fact that I juggle work and teach her everyday. My patience is thin most days and I don't know how I'm keeping all the days straight.  Oddly enough, this is the motherhood I didn't know I wanted and needed .  I'm grateful for my house full of clowns, including Waymon. The quarantine has brought our family closer together and is forcing me to get more and more creative . 

Monday, November 18, 2019

Apple Hillin'

There is nothing more than I love than Apple Hill in the Fall. I can't begin to tell you how much I love this time of year. I'm a firm believer that everything good happens during the Fall. Also, how could you not love all the pumpkins? We headed to Apple Hill for our dating anniversary . Yes, we still celebrate our dating anniversary and it's every bit just as sweet as when we were dating. I've been with my guy fourteen years. He jokes that we've been together for 100 years. Thanks to him Haidyn tells everyone that her parents have been together for 100 years.

This trip to Apple Hill we took Tina with us just so she can experience us go pumpkin and apple crazy. We took the day all together to roam around and sample all the apple things. I am bias but I do love Apple Hill than I love pumpkin patches because there is much more than just pumpkins. Anything you want made out of apples is being made in Apple Hill. We've been to Apple Hill so many times that we know the orchards we love and we're more than loyal to them.



Haidyn's one objective was to ride the horses since we told her we were heading to Apple Hill. She wanted nothing other than to ride those ponies. The ponies always make her smile. She did mention that she is getting too big for the ponies but she will continue to ride them until they give up. ( Not a chance girl.) 

After our apple extravaganza we headed to Ikea and Seafood city. We couldn't find a better way to kick off our Fall! Can it be Fall 365  please? 

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Leave us Malone

2019 is the year of concerts for us. It feels like we've gone from one show to another in just one year. I don't mind at all since we finally got to go see MF Post Malone. I've been obsessed with Post since my nephew showed me his music when he first came out years ago . I owe my love for Post to my nephew. I'm sure I would've never came across his music if it weren't for him. 

Post served as our first rap concert and Tina's first out of state concert since coming to live in Nevada.  We took full advantage of Post playing in Sacramento and turned our outing into a little day trip showing Tina a little of Sacramento.  We shopped, thrifted and ate all the best foods. It wouldn't be a Wells trip if we didn't do the latter. 

Post was INCREDIBLE and I felt so guilty not taking Haidyn on our trip, but I know there is a next time. I recorded all of her favorite songs for her to obsess over when we got home. She was so excited to see him and then shamed me that I didn't take her with us . :) Typical Haidyn.